MaestroTek, Ltd Forum Page

NEW: Composers' Forum

WELCOME ! This was the site of our composers' forum idea, where you could sample new works by other composers and post samples of your own works for the viewing public. It never took off. For now, here are a few samples that are available. Some of them are from the CD: New Mass and other works of praise.

"Let Me Share The Christ Child With You" by Don & Pam Perrilles This new Christmas hymn works both musically and spiritually. It is suitable for choirs of any age and you'll find yourself humming the melody "all throughout the year".

"Chanson Pour Martha" by Joseph Kriz This duet for classical guitar and flute is a huanting meditation on the themes of sadness and joy.

"My Burden Is Light" by Joseph Kriz Sampled are two lines from the refrain and two lines from the verses. The highlight of the soloists' verses is the third time when vs.1 and vs.2 are done together in counterpoint.

"My God, My God" by Joseph Kriz A setting of Psalm 22 for Passion (Palm) Sunday, for choir and cantor.

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